Sunday 18 August 2013

Spedaliccho Spun

Strava positions

Our final positions for the ride: Ted is 46th, Matt is 48th and Jon is 49th out of 59,692 people who have entered the Strava challenge for August. 

Saturday 17 August 2013

The end of the ride (Matt blogging on Sian's phone)

We made it! We passed the final ordeals of punctures, biting flies and riding road bikes on gravel (including Ted falling off 500m from the house)
Over 16 days we've cycled 1915km, eaten 40 breakfasts, used 56,000 k calories (& almost certainly consumed more), suffered 12 punctures, 1 trashed tyre, 1 car incident and remained good friends. The support team have been fantastic, putting up with our endless stats, providing Thunderbird support and reminding us of Rule 5 often enough to keep us going.  

Downhill all the way

After a 10km, 300m climb we've hit the top of the pass, it's downhill all the way from here.  
Oh, but no, I was wrong, as soon as I blogged this we had 100m of downhill followed by miles of uphill, bad call. Oh and then Jon shredded his tyre, we managed an emergency fix to get us to the bottom of the hill so Thunderbird 2 could come to our aid with a spare. Leaving Sian in Thunderbird 4 in the Coop doing the shopping. Kudos to Sian, she got the worst job. 

Day 16 Arrivaderci Bagno, Buongiorno La Selva

100km (ish) to go....

Friday 16 August 2013

Last day!

Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, it's almost over.
Go boys!

Strictly Bagno

We've stumbled across a dance show in the main piazza in Bagno. It's fantastic. I'm reminded of the Katherine show in the Northern Territories, we're in the middle of nowhere and everyone is out for an evening's entertainment.